It is with great sadness we announce the death of our beloved wife, mother and grandmother. The only daughter of the late Dora and Arthur Butler of Reading, England, she was born there and attended Jane Austen’s Abbey School.  She was a graduate of St. Mary’s School of Nursing in London.

She had a career as an OR Nurse. Early on she had scrubbed for many distinguished surgeons including Sir George Pinker, Queen’s Gynecologist, Sir Archibald McIndoe father of British plastic surgery and Mr. Dickson Wright.

She then moved to Rossland where she continued her OR career and brought up three daughters.

She was an enthusiastic collector of antiques, silver and ceramics and an avid and knowledgeable gardener and a lifelong supporter of the arts. She was extraordinarily well read especially in English literature and history and biblical studies. She was involved in considerable charitable work in the Upper Room and in building Our Place. She was a docent in the museum for many years and her tours were greatly appreciated. She was always very fit, often in the gym, had played junior tennis at Wimbledon, ran, hiked, swam, kayaked, sailed and was a certified ski instructor. She will be greatly missed by her family, many friends and her cat Hemi.

Special thanks to Dr. Kondra, medical and nursing staff in the 6th and 8th floor, Royal Jubilee Hospital. Charitable donations may be made in her memory to the Victoria Cool Aid Society, at

A Funeral Service will be held on Friday, September 16, 2022, at 11:00 am at Christ Church Cathedral, 930 Burdett Avenue, Victoria, BC.

Condolences may be left for the family below.

McCall Gardens

  • Nancy Haley

    Dear Paul and Family,

    My thoughts are with you during this challenging time and I am sending my heartfelt condolences.
    What a remarkable woman Mary was and I truly appreciated knowing her keen intelligence, enthusiasm, and humour. She was also extremely kind and supportive with an enduring vibrant energy. I still treasure the beautiful baby sweaters she knit for me when both of my sons were born. She was a thoughtful woman indeed. She had so many talents and interests to share with us all.

    With deepest sympathy and warmest regards,

    Nancy Haley

  • Pat Taylor

    Sending my sincerest condolences to Paul & his family on the loss of dearly beloved Mary.
    With deepest sympathy Pat Taylor

  • MaryAnn Backstrom

    Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your beautiful mother. I first met her when she was assisting in Dr Gelpke’s office. Mary was so warm, caring and welcoming, she left a indelible impression. Her beautiful smile will live on in the faces of her children and grandchildren.

  • Dr. Sydney Price Sparling

    Dear Paul and family,

    My sincere condolences at this time, which really is a forever time. Mary had a colourful medical training and service, too. Unfortunately I will be away on September 16. Otherwise I would certainly be attending her funeral service in the cathedral.

    With affection to all,

    Sydney Sparling

  • Vivien Herbert

    Phil and I are very sorry to hear of the death of ‘Auntie Mary’. Paul and Mary were very kind to us both when we visited the Island – many years ago. And even more years ago than that – they gave me sanctuary and space to recover after becoming ill, when in training to become a nurse myself. I am ever thankful to my uncle and aunt for their care at that time.
    Living in Europe has resulted in my not being in contact with the wider family and since my parents died (Peter being Paul’s older brother) I have more or less lost touch with Paul and Mary and it was through my brother David that I learnt of Mary’s passing.
    My love and condolences to my Uncle Paul and to Elaine, Alice and Sally (the cousins) and their family.
    With warm wishes,
    Vivien and Phil

  • Jean Haley

    Our friendship goes back so many years, when we first met in Kingston Ontario in 1960! Mary has always maintained her wonderful smile and her thirst for knowledge. We joined her and Paul in Lake O’Hara in the 80’s for our introduction into hiking in the mountains. Mary was an experienced hiker and outdoors person. She knew about the wild flowers and the foliage that we saw and taught us so much. She was always kind with the patients that she saw while assisting Paul in his office. And lastly she helped me this past winter with insisting on accompanying me when I had some minor surgery. Little did I know that she had such limited time to live.
    My thoughts and love go out to Paul, Elaine, Alice and Sally. Mary was one of a kind!

  • Brenda Jagdis

    Dear Paul, Elaine, Alice, Sally and families,

    We send our deepest condolences on the loss of your dearly loved Mary. She might have been petite, but her vivaciousness for life was inspiring and vast. While sadly missed, Mary’s sparkle, generosity, kindness, sharp mind and clever wit will be always be fondly remembered.

    With our sincere sympathy,
    Brenda and Frank Jagdis

  • Laurie C L Farley

    I was fortunate enough to know Mary just a wee bit as a very active participant in fitness classes and socially when the ‘Iron Women’ of the gym got together for coffee or potluck lunch over the years. I am grateful to have met this amazing woman and will always remember her for her positive and get it done while you enjoy and explore life to the full along the way.

  • Patricia Kidd

    I’ve lost track of the number of times Mary attended my lectures, but I do remember – and will always remember – the joy of seeing her in the classroom. She was unfailingly curious, and positive, and charming, and so eager to understand, whether it was the decorative arts, or any of the other subjects in which she exercised her passion to ‘know’. I’m devastated by the thought that I won’t bump into her again on walks or at the ‘Y’. She always left me feeling so much happier. I’m so grateful to have known her, and envious of those for whom she was a beloved family member. May your joyful memories be many and constant!

  • Linda Zabok

    I am thinking of you, Alice and your family. With deepest sympathy for your loss. Keep all the good memories close to your heart.

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