Kenneth MacLennan passed away peacefully in his home in Victoria BC. He will be sadly missed by his wife, Marion, who has been by his side for the last 50 years of marriage, and his children Alex, Donna and Gary.
Kenneth, more commonly known as Ken or Kenny by those who knew him, was born in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis Scotland. Ken was always proud of his Scottish heritage, but was even more proud (as many Leodsachs are) of being an islander. It was in Stornoway that he met and married Marion, and soon after the birth of their first child they were lured to the West Coast of Canada by his cousin Eddie MacMillan Glennie. While he loved the Western Isles and was sad to say “chi mi a rithist thu” to good friends and family, he was in search of a place with more opportunities for a young family. One can imagine his shock to wake up one morning, halfway around the world, in the wilds of Sooke in the early 70s.
Ken and Marion made their way to Victoria eventually and have been settled in their family home since 1977 . Ken brought with him his training as a joiner and worked hard over the years to establish himself as a well-respected and sought after builder and craftsperson in Victoria. He formed his own company and with tireless support from Marion he spent 30 years plying his craft. As anyone who has tried to undo any of his work can attest, his work was built to last and there are still many examples around the city.
And while Ken was proud of being a talented craftsperson and hard worker, he would want to be defined by how he treated those around him; particularly his friends and family. In telling stories about Ken, many people refer to the extraordinary lengths he would go to to support his family, friends, neighbours and even strangers. Ken was also well known for his mischievous sense of humour, and how much he enjoyed a good laugh.
Ken was never happier than when he had those he loved around him, and is famous for not only how he would play host in his house, but also, at times, in the houses of others. He wanted to ensure that everyone could enjoy themselves to the fullest and would always encourage second helpings and would not allow a guest to wait long for their glass to be filled. Many people, from far and wide, have stories of the welcome they received from Ken and Marion in their home.
In recent years Ken and Marion have loved nothing more than to see their family grow, and have welcomed their children-in-law, Michael, Heather and Leasha with open arms. They have deeply loved and cherished their grandchildren, who they are always so proud of, Duncan, Ella, Findlay, Quinn and Charlie. Oh, and, of course, there are the dogs, Sneakers, Sophie, Rogue, Millie, Lewis, Chevy, Milo and Eddie.
Ken was predeceased by his parents, James (Buller) and Peggy, and his brother-in-law John Beaton. He will be sadly missed by his siblings and in-laws, Donna, Peggie Marie, Neilly, James, Mary, Alex and Annette Murray and Annie Mace as well as his many cousins, nieces, nephews and friends in Scotland.
Finally, the family would like to extend their deepest thanks to those who have shown such tremendous support to Ken and family over the last year. Thank you to our close friends whose presence, friendship and assistance allowed for Ken to stay home until the end. And our deepest gratitude to the health care team including staff from Island Health, his palliative care nurses, and especially Dr. Shaw, Nicole and his occupational therapist Janet, who over the year have shown such care and service to Ken, Marion and their family.
The family would be happy to have friends and family join them in a celebration of life, to be held June 16th from 1-4 pm at the Victoria Scottish Cultural Centre (1803 Admirals Road) so that we can come together to recognize the impact Ken had on our lives and celebrate him together.
No flowers please; the family suggests a donation to the MS Society or the Our Place Society in Ken’s name instead.
For those who are unable to attend in person, please feel free to share condolences with the family so they can be shared.
Condolences may be offered to the family below.
McCall Gardens
Ann McLeman MacLeod
Maggie Macleod So very sorry for your loss. Kenny always called to visit my mother on his visits back to Lewis (Chrissie on Perceval Road). Remembering you all at this sad time.
Cathy Ready Our thoughts are with you Marion and the family at the passing of Ken. May you find comfort in the memories of your many happy years together and the legacy of the family you created.
Cathy and Danny
Donald macmillan May you rest in peace Kenny, our thoughts are with Marion and your family at this time,your cousins Donald, Anne Sandra and Belle.
Bonnie Boulter I have 2 or 3 very fond memories of Ken and Marion; our favourite Scottish Gaelic groupies in the early days of the choir as I referred to them. Ken’s frequent, ready smile, exactly as in the enclosed picture. And the friendliness and kindness that accompanied it.
My profound condolences to Marion, Alistair and families.
Ivor & Moira So sorry to hear about my old friend Kenny.
Many good memories.
Love and care to Marion and family.
John and Joan Noble John and Joan Noble.
The Kenny we recall was the young man of great energy and enthusiasm who helped us so many times. The Kenny of later years lived with ill health with stoical courage. All in all, an admirable and much loved man. We rejoice that we knew him and grieve that he is gone.
Paul Stewart I remember meeting Ken, Marion & Alex at Art & Liz Dennison’s residence in Duncan during 1976 during some turkey dinner event. The beginning of a “not long enough relationship” during which we would work (I was the student – still am) and socialize at chez MacLennan, notwithstanding I moved throughout BC with my job.
Several years passed and after one busy day working at some task (I never stopped learning Ken’s craft) we returned to Ken & Marion’s residence where we cleaned up and sat in the living room where we would discuss(argue) something or other. Alex and Donna were always present and Marion was the consummate hostess, we would carry on a discussion (argument) Ken took white and I black (about what I don’t remember). We were on opposite sides of the room and Alex and Donna were on the floor around the coffee table, Marion in the kitchen. At a point in the discussion there was a silence while we caught our breath, during which Alex says, “Ah blow it out your a___ dad”. The silence was deafening. Ken and I looked at each other in silence and about 30 seconds later he looks at Alex and calmly says “that’s not a very kind thing to say”.
Ken was always a strong character you could rely on whether a father or a friend. Ken is missed.
Debbie and Murray Campbell Maclean Murray and I met Ken, Marion, and little Alex in 1973 when they lived in the upstairs flat in the house we all rented. We became fast friends and the amazing fact is they were from Stornoway same as Murray’s family. We have great memories of all the fun time we had together over the years. In 1975 we moved to Calgary, Ken and Marion came for a visit and Marion was expecting Dona at the time and she was such a good sport. Banff, Lake Louise and other adventures. We visited them in 1982 with our two sons, Gary was their newest addition. Years passed and we visited Ken and Marion in summer of 2000. Ken still had a twinkle in his eye and his infectious smile and very mischievous. Ken was a hard working extra special family man.
We have lost a wonderful soul.
Marion & Donny So sad to hear of your passing Kenny, have fond memories of when you, Marion and the family stayed with us in Edinburgh. We hope you are at peace now. Thinking of Marion and the family with much love
Christine Pearce Ken. Caring, kind, generous, funny and accepting of everyone in your orbit. You proudly developed a thriving company in your new Country, using your skills, knowledge and hard work. Together with your devoted and loving wife Marion you raised three amazing children in a stable environment who have the same values, integrity and morals as you both demonstrated. These traits are now handed down to your grandchildren, and you can be very sure that your legacy will live on in them, and their families.
You made the world a better place Ken and were a model of an honourable man, husband and father.
Brian Howe So sorry to hear of Ken’s passing. Condolences to all the MacLennan family.
Brian Howe, Gareth Dickson and Christoph Serrand
Krista I have fond memories of Ken, always with a smile. Chris and I were lucky enough to join Alex and Heather in Scotland for their wedding. We experienced the warmth and welcoming of Ken and his family while there. My thoughts are with Alex and his family. May the stories of Ken continue and make you smile.
Iain Norman Morrison I knew Kenny hadn’t been well for many years but still a shock when learned of his passing. My first meeting with Kenny was when he was courting Morag now Marion as I grew up with Alex, (Marion’s brother). Kenny would come over to Skigersta in Ness on Friday nights where there was plenty of witty banter. (Beagan do fealla-dhà). I look back on those days in the early 1970’s with fun and fondness. Although the many miles divided us but I often thought of you all and would get updates from Alex from time to time. Kenny was a kind and positive person and my deepest condolences go to Marion and all the family. You will be sorely missed Kenny. Iain Norman.
Warren Chow I was so saddened to hear of Ken’s passing. He was my neighbour in my childhood home in Victoria, and I recall the first time I met him and Marion, and little Alex, in our backyard. They were all in lawn chairs and my parents said they were our new neighbours. I was probably around 15 at the time and Alex was very young, perhaps 3 years old or so. He had a ball with him and when he saw me he said “Kid, will you play with me?”. I always remember Ken as being very hardworking, driven, and physically strong. One time he came into our house to look at something and a cabinet needed to be moved out of the way, and my mother asked my father to help. Ken just went up to it and pushed it out of the way on his way. He did several renovations on the house and they’re still solid to this day, decades later. There was too wide an age/stage of life difference for Ken and me to be “friends”, but I always respected him from afar and considered him to be someone to look up to. He will be missed.
Donnie MacDonald It is with great sadness that I heard of Kenny’s passing.
I will always remember him for the strong friendship we had as school kids in Stornoway. The days of his invitation to his family home and the hospitality shown by his family.
The day Kenny and Marion left their home shores was a loss for Stornoway but an immense gain for their new home in Canada.
My deepest condolences and sympathy to all the family. Donnie (doctor) MacDonald
James MacLennan A very fitting tribute to Your Late Dad, and my Late brother, Alex. Aeroplanes take many hours from Kenny’s birthplace, here on The Island of Lewis, to you all on Vancouver Island, but a thought is instantaneous, and can carry a heart full of love. I know there is much love, being sent across the waters to you all. xx
Norman Mary Ann couldn’t have said it better!
Condolences to all the family, we are thinking of you at this sad time.
Norman, Catherine and family, Benbecula.
Mary Ann Macleod What can I say about Kenny! I’ve known him all my life as we lived so close to each other in Stornoway. He and my brother were partners in mischief and had a lot of fun. I was also around when Marion arrived on the scene, and we were all sad when they left the home shores and travelled across the Atlantic and so far away from us. Deepest condolences to Marion and all the family from myself and all the brothers, Angus, Murdo, Norman, Billy and Kenneth.
RIP Kenny. You will be sorely missed❤ Mary Ann
Angus Macleod So sorry to hear about my old pal Kenny, mates since early school day in Stornoway, deepest condolences to the family, RIP pal
Today June 16/24 we all said Goodbye to our Dearest Friend Kenny MacLennan (Bullar) at a Celebration of Life for him❤️ His wife Marion and Family are truly Amazing People.
When we emigrated in 1977 who met us off the plane but Kenny. He gave up a day of work just starting out as Self Employed ( a real biggie here in those days) and he travelled from Victoria Island to Vancouver to meet us as he heard my brother was out of town on a job and he get back to be there to meet us off the plane.
His Obituary was beautiful and so true but a bit understated. Kenny helped so, so many people from all walks of Life in so many ways, as did Marion. Many attested to it today personally and emotionally as many mixed afterwards with each other. They have never forgotten❤️
Rest in Peace Our Dear Friend, the Ralakings you gave me excuse my phonetic Gaelic , and the laughter will be so missed❤️ With Much Gratitude and Love❤️