Keith Margetts passed away at the Saanich Peninsula Hospital on June 16th, 2024, with his wife Wendy and his two amazing daughters Tessa and Carmen at his side.  He fought his esophageal cancer with great honesty and integrity just like he did everything else in his life. He died after having the privilege of being attended by “two angels” from the palliative outreach team – Fiona and Rahael. Our family ‘s thanks to Dr. Pawlik, Dr. Unger and palliative Dr. Mary – doctors who deserve the title of Doctor.

Keith was born 1954 in Broken Hill Zambia to Doreen and Percy Margetts. He leaves to mourn his sister Denny Bam (Bert deceased) and their children Michelle, Gail, Shaun and Jeffrey; brother Neville Margetts (Ronny) and their children Anthea and Dean; Sister-in-law Sue Carter (Godfrey) and their children Debbie, Lindy, Mandy and Nicholas; Sister-in-law Christia and nieces Donne and Jolene and their respective families and many lifelong friends both in South Africa and Canada.

Keith attended school in South Africa from the age of 11 and after completing his full-time national service he went on to Rhodes University to complete his Honours in Business Administration. Keith attended army camps in South Africa from 1977 to 1983 leaving home for three months each year.

He married Wendy in 1978 and after a glorious carefree 7 years (excluding army camps), Carmen was born and three years later Tessa arrived to complete his family.

Keith qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1983. Keith was a lifelong learner as his colleagues in the Provincial Government can attest to. Keith retired in 2017 and turned his search for knowledge to photography.  The Shutterbugs in Sidney and the Raptors in Duncan brought him a lot of joy.

The family is truly grateful for all the support and the understanding from friends when Keith was not wanting visitors.  Thanks to JoAnn Gillespie for her ongoing positivity and loving support.  Thanks also to good friends Tessa Lowis and Steve Clooney who enabled Keith to complete two bucket list items in his last months – a visit to San Josef Bay / Mira falls and a final visit to Tofino.

Keith’s Celebration of Life will take place on July 23, 2024 (Keith’s 70th Birthday), from 4:00 to 8:00 pm, at 2522 James Island Road, Saanichton.  At this event we will be collecting old towels for Animal Welfare.

If you wish to make a contribution in Keith’s name you can email The Raptors:

Condolences may be offered to the family below.

McCall Gardens

  • Neville and Veronica Margetts

    Keith, our beloved brother and brother in law. Your jovial WhatsApp calls are sadly missed. But we know you are no longer suffering. Our heartfelt condolences to Wendy Carmen and Tessa .
    Big brother Nev and Ronnie

  • Julio Galleguillos

    Hello Wendy, I am very sad to hear of Keith’s passing. Keith was my manager on several Internal Audit projects, but more than that he was my friend. Whenever Keith and I would meet, we started laughing and acting silly. He made me smile every time I saw him. He will be missed.

  • Fatima

    Hello Wendy
    My family and I were saddened to learn of Keith’s passing. Keith is a thread that’s firmly woven into some of the best memories my kids have. He will be fondly remembered. I wish that you and your daughters are comforted by the time and memories you had with him.

  • Mike Cole

    Hi Wendy and family
    It’s a long time since we enjoyed being together in Duynefontein but my memories are of great times with the round table and as neighbours. I was sad to hear of Keith’s passing but encouraged to read of the loving family surrounding Keith.
    Farewell old buddy

  • David Fairbotham

    Hello Wendy, I was very sad to hear of Keith’s passing. As you may recall, I worked with Keith for many years in Internal Audit and Advisory Services, , Office of the Comptroller General. He was a consummate professional, highly qualified, very experienced and you knew his work was of a high quality. Everyone enjoyed working with him, whatever level and he was great with our clients. I remember working closely with him on the high profile Olympics file, it was long hours and stressful, but Keith as always had a good chuckle and wry smile! Please accept my condolences to you all, I’m sure he was well loved and will be sorely missed.

  • Gail

    Keith was my uncle and my memory of him is always of his laugh – that chuckle was infectious. The pain you are feeling will be lessened by the moments you treasure of good times. I hope there are many of those special moments for you all, Wendy, Carmen and Tessa.
    Love and hugs, Gail, South Africa


    How do I express the sorrow to the loss of my dearly beloved little brother, Kafupi. Keith was 14 yrs my junior so I was not always around but there are many fond memories I treasure that bring back a smile or a chuckle. He started school at Luawangwa Primary in Broken Hill, Zambia. Then continued education at Dale College as a boarder gaining Matric. Thereafter he attended lectures at Rhodes University in Grahamstown graduating with Diploma’s in Charter Accountancy with a Master’s Degree. Much to the pride and joy of Mom and Dad. I am sure there are many stories in that period, friends could recall. My personal favorites are as follows: A young Keith; after visiting our Grandmother, Florrie Margetts, who was a very talkative, entertaining lady, he remarked, “Gee Gran talks more than me. I couldn’t get a word in edgeways!” The 2nd memory is him seeming to enjoy sitting between older brother Neville and girlfriend until he was paid to get lost. The seed for Charter Accountancy had been sown. 3rd – My dearly departed hubby Bert and I had travelled up to Broken Hill for our Engagement Party and on the first morning, Bert was brushing his teeth when suddenly a troupe of children, Keith had gathered from the neighborhood in the passage, pointed at him and announced “There he is!” Four – After Bert and I were married a month or two, I received a letter from little brother wanting to know “How are you getting on with your new husband?” Have to love it. Five – We lived in Oranjemund, SWA, for some years for De Beers Mining Company and at that time, parents were there as well. By then, we had four children of our own who thought this long haired varsity student, who played awful music was the greatest! Keith of course, came home for the holidays but when he saw the mob arrive at the garden gate, he ducked out the back door. Kiefie had fled! Of course, he had a serious side, he did his army duty and at times spent weekends with us. My family growing up too. Keith married Wendy and started a family of his own, two lovely girls, Carmen and Tessa, who he adored. However we had to say goodbye when family immigrated to Canada. Very happy in that beautiful country becoming Canadian citizens, Girls have grown up, studied at Varsity just as Keith and Wendy did and now working. Keith loved his family, so proud of their achievements. He and Wendy enjoyed and loved nature, often taking camping trips around Canada’s extraordinary beautiful country. Once with a pet dog in tow. Animals were a priority too, loved their furry friends very much. Keith even got involved with protection of the wolves and bears. He developed a passion for photography and became an accomplished photographer at this hobby. Years go by and even though miles apart, modern communication allows us still to hold, persist and enjoy love and comradery between everyone. We grown older and have lost loved ones along the way as well. I shall miss my darling little brother so much but take heart in that perhaps Bert, was there to greet and announce to those gone ahead, “There he is!” With all my love, from big sister Den

  • Colleen/Norman

    Norman and Colleen Ensil we remember the first day we met Keith – we bought a nice bottle of wine and stuck an Oom Tas sticker on it – (was a cheap wine in South Africa) – Keith laughed so loud – the beginning of a great friendship with the Margetts – we didn’t like to see you suffer but you bore your sickness with such dignity – we never loved you any less Keith – may your dear soul rest in peace -to Wendy, Carmen and Tessa – you brave souls – you did such a fine job taking care of Keith – take solace in knowing that he is in a better place and no more suffering – okay me crying too much now – always will we love you Wendy because you deserve it from us Norman and Colleen

  • Donna Carlson

    We were saddened to read of Keith’s passing. Though we haven’t seen the Margetts family since Tessa and Kate ceased to be teammates, we often laugh as we recall Keith’s best party trick . . . demonstrated on a trip to soccer provincials as the parents gathered to share a beverage or two. Iykyk. Those soccer days were lots of fun and Keith and Wendy were a core part of the crew. Sending big hugs your way. Unfortunately we will be out of town and miss his celebration of life but will raise a glass in his memory that day. Donna and Tim Carlson

  • Matt Davis

    Very sorry to read this news today. Keith was always very kind to me. Sending my best to Carmen, Tessa and Wendy. Thinking of you today.

  • Michael Zwicker


    Please accept my sincerest condolences in the passing of your beloved husband. I worked with Keith in Internal Audit and Advisory Services in The Province of BC. He was so delightful. Always with a listening ear and a hearing heart. His signature “Happy Dance” is so vivid in my mind and brings a smile to my face everytime I picture him doing it. No matter what my mood, Keith always heightened it. Such a joy. I will miss him and pray that your love and fond memories of him will carry you through these difficult times. Michael Zwicker

  • Greg Stone

    Hi Wendy, the happy memories that my wife, Cathy, and I have of Keith are from ski trips to Mount Washington with Janet and our ski group. What good times we had. Cathy remembers skiing with Keith because they were at the same level of ability. Lots of laughs they had together. They even skied a black diamond run, even though they were beginners. They were so proud of that. Keith was such a good natured guy – lots of laughs. And he left a lasting legacy for our ski group. He loved Cathy’s chocolate cake that we took on all ski trips so much that he named it the Black Diamond cake after Black Diamond runs on the ski hills. To this day all who ski with us know that cake as the Black Diamond cake. Great memories!

  • Kathryn Stead

    Sending condolences to Wendy, Carmen and Tessa and Keith’s family. I wish I could have met Keith. Wendy invited us to visit them in Canada, but we never managed to get there. Much love,
    Kathy Stead (nee Eekhout), Cleveland, Ohio, USA

  • Debbie

    Sending so much love to you, Wends, Carmen and Tessa!


    Oh this is so heartbreaking to hear of Keith’s passing. I know I had never met him in person but he was my mom’s dear friend whom she shared so many wonderful once in a lifetime memories with the whole family touring with Keith around the beautiful spots in Canada. But myself and Keith shared so much and interacted over social media. We were both adventure seekers who loved nature and animals. Seen the beauty in the most simple things each day offers and I felt he was a kindred friend who I’m sure if we had been in company would have enjoyed each others sharing of stories and wonders. I always promised I would visit and although he has passed I still will and get to meet Wendy and his lovely family and friends. To all who loved and knew him I’m sending love as he was fighting to stay. But I hope he is sat watching the world with the best view over us all encouraging us to see more of nature’s wonders and appreciation of the time we have on earth. Lots of love to Wendy and the girls ❤️❤️❤️

  • Kathy Shaw

    Our thoughts are with you Wendy and your girls and families. Although we did not have the privilege of spending a lot of time with Keith, that which we did have was always wonderful and of which we have fun and happy memories. Keep strong and remember it is better to have loved and lost than never to have had at all.
    Lots of love Mike and Kathy.

  • Richard Opperman

    Dear Wendy, Carmen and Tessa

    Our heart felt sincere condolences to you all with the passing of Keith our dear friend for over 50 years.

    We may have had distance between our friendship, but we always had you as a family in our thoughts and prayers and especially now to you in the passing of our dear friend and your father and husband Keith.

    May he Rest In Peace.

    We hold you close to our hearts.

    With all our love ❤️

    Richard, Debby and Meghan Opperman
    Cape Town, South Africa

  • Susan ashton

    Don’t know what to say. Wish we were with you all. Keith rest in peace sweetheart. Love to you all.We are thinking of you all xxxx

  • Rich Snyders

    A true friend right back to our University days and then again when we met up in Kimberley while working for De Beers , Keith’s sense of humor will always be remembered. We hiked the Tsitsikama together and shared great stories around the fire at night. Even though we were opposite ends of the world we so enjoyed seeing how happy Keith and Wendy were in Canada. Our condolences to Wendy, Carmen and Tessa. Your huge loss is felt by all who knew Keith. Sending love from Rich and Bev in New Zealand

  • Sue Carter

    Love you Wends,Carmen and Tessa. Not long now till we all arrive to disrupt your lives. Keith was a man in a million and we loved him so very much. ♥️

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