Born in Derry, Northern Ireland, on January 14, 1943, Gloria died in Victoria, BC, on January 28, 2022.  Gloria is survived by Patrick, her husband of 57 years, sisters Helena (Seamus) and Veronica (Michael), children Nicholas (Colleen), Erinn (Behzad) and Damian (Ellie), as well as her grandchildren Desmond, Callum, Finley, Phoebe and Max.

Gloria and Patrick met as teenagers in Belfast and married in their early 20s. After stops in Brighton, UK, and Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, they found themselves in Victoria in 1968. They intended to stay for only a year or two, but ended up making a life here for themselves and for their children; a life supplemented by frequent adventures, including many trips to Europe and Gloria’s yearly summer retreat to Cape Cod.

Gloria spent the first 20 years in Victoria raising her children and focusing on volunteer activities before joining the BC Public Service where she pursued a rewarding 20-year career in social services. She was broadly involved in the community and with her great many friends. She was an unfailing, enthusiastic supporter of her children’s sporting activities – she never missed a game. In her retirement, Gloria enjoyed perfecting her house and garden. She loved travel, walks, coffees and, with a great and special tenderness, her grandchildren.

Our hope is that each of you remembers the light, laughter and friendship Gloria brought to the lives of all who knew her. She would be honoured by donations to The Victoria Women’s Transition House Society, an organization about which she was passionate.

It was a blessing to have Gloria in our lives and we will love her always and forever. Fly free, sweet girl.


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McCall Gardens



    My thoughts are with you and your family Paddy. Gloria and I lived beside each other we were both 12 and when she moved we hit it off immediately, I was devastated when she couldn’t be my bridesmaid and we cried together. I moved from Belfast when I was 19 and she and Paddy came to visit with us before they got married. We used to have sleep overs and would giggle well into the wee small hours. When I moved to Denmark we lost touch and then we moved a couple more times and I ended up in Melbourne, Australia and we reconnected about 4 years ago and have been in constant touch since then . Many many beautiful memories were made over the years and I send Angels to light her way and to you Paddy and children I send love and big hugs. Thank you Erin for keeping me in the loop . love and blessings to you all, Sandra and Alan. xx

  • Guy & Jen Turvey

    Guy & Jen & Friends of Gloria

    Every Tuesday at 8:20AM and every Thursday at the same time we’d be together in the Quail Room at the Henderson Rec Centre, gym mats spread in front of us, and we’d follow our regular exercise program. Some exercisers would gather at Olive Olios Cafe after the exertion in order to debrief on ‘exercise’ on ‘families’ on ‘current events’ and on any topic of interest. This routine continued (for we regulars) for over ten years until the current pandemic brought this exercise/social bi-weekly routine to a halt. Gloria was always an enthusiastic participant in all actions, all plans, discussions, and all humorous ‘deviations’.

    It is now two years since our regular gatherings, and we think about our fellow exercisers often. We would sometimes see Gloria out walking…actually we have a spot on Mount Tolmie that we have named, ‘Gloria’s Loop.’ Tomorrow (Feb. 17th) six of Gloria’s long-time social/exercise buddies are gathering for coffee (and ‘Gloria reminiscing’) at ‘Olive Olio’s’…many discussions (and laughs) will be shared.

    Our sincere condolences Patrick and Family
    RIP Gloria

  • Joanna Snow

    Thinking of all of you in this difficult time and hope that you find joy in your memories together.

  • Doug Beardsley

    Dear Paddy: I was absolutely shocked and saddened beyond belief to hear of your loss. Words are inadequate to express how I feel. I cannot imagine you being without her. You are fortunate to have the comfort of Nick, Erinn and Damian at this terrible time. If there is anything I can do just let me know.

  • Mike Fecteau

    Our deepest condolences to the Grant family. She will be missed by many at the local cricket wickets. I always enjoyed visiting with her at our games. She was indeed a staunch supporter of her sons. It was very interesting to watch when they were on opposing sides! All of you will be sad and miss her, but I encourage you to remember the good times! She was a great lady.

    Mike Fecteau & Jane Wynne

  • Caroline Barry

    It was with great sadness that we heard of the passing of Gloria.
    She was a wonderful matriarch to an interesting and delightful family.
    Her loss must be very painful to you all and especially to Patrick.
    Her cheerful personality and sense of humour were things we will always treasure.
    May she Rest In Peace.
    David and Caroline Barry

  • Matthew Wilson

    My condolences to the whole family, I haven’t seen Gloria in many years as we moved to Alberta in 1994 and have been back only for Vacations. Patrick our thoughts are with you in this difficult time . To Nick , Erin and Damien our hearts go out to you. Matt , Lori , John , Elizabeth and Rob Wilson

  • Diane Tolomeo

    Gloria brought joy, laughter, and light into the room. She has now gone into the world of light,
    “And yet as angels in some brighter dreams
    Call to the soul, when man doth sleep:
    So some strange thoughts transcend our wonted themes
    And into glory peep.”
    May Patrick and all who grieve for her find comfort in the love of so many friends, who loved Gloria, and still love you.

  • Maureen McDowell

    I cannot express how grateful I am to Gloria, a great friend to my Mum, Dorothy, and how much I appreciated her love and support to our family over the years. Gloria was compassionate, kind and a fierce advocate for those she cared about. She was also one of the funniest women I have ever known. Some of my fondest memories are of Gloria and Mum exchanging their views about life’s many absurdities, of which they found many.

    My sincere condolences to Patrick and the family. I will miss her very much.

  • Robert Kline & Karyn Grant Kline

    Love, Prayers and Condolences to our cousins Patrick, Nick & family, Erinn & Family, and Damian & family,
    May God hold Gloria in the palm of His hand and Angels watch over her. Those we love do not go away; they walk beside us every day.

    Bob and Karyn

  • Elzbieta Jazwinski

    Gloria was such a bright light, during our exercise classes. She always made me smile with her great sense of humour! I will miss her wit and the interesting stories of her travels. My heart goes out to all of her family at this sad time ❤️‍

  • KAthleen Dunwoody née

    Gloria and I met when we were 16. We worked for many years in the Belfast Telephone Service. She went off to UK / Canada with Patrick, and Jack and I went to Africa.

    Like Gloria and Patrick we have lived in many different places and have settled down in retirement in Cape Town. We used to meet up in Belfast when we were both visiting our families. The last time we visited Canada we actually stayed with them.

    Gloria was a very special and caring friend to me. She had a great sense of humour, very bubbly and a lovely personality. We spent a lot of time together when she was dating your dad and I was dating Jack, and when things went wrong we had each other to lean on.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your dad and the family. She was a wonderful mother and friend and I will miss her funny phone calls and her laughter. My thoughts are with you all at this time. Take care of each other.

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