Passed away suddenly at RJH on November 7, 2023. He was born near London, England on May 17, 1944. He will be greatly missed by his wife Jane; his sons Peter (Britteny), Simon, Nicholas; and his grandchildren Taylin, Arria, Scarlett and Willow. Clive was instrumental in the development and introduction of the NovoPen for diabetics. He loved commuting on his recumbent bike, going on family trips and hanging out with his grandkids.

Condolences may be offered to the family below.

McCall Gardens

  • Michael Bauer

    I had the great pleasure to work with Clive at Vifor. His outstanding knowledge, his openness, his friendliness, paired with his honesty was an honor to experience!
    I miss our exchange that we kept beyond work. It’s too sad that you my friend had to “celebrate” your 80th birthday in heaven. My deepest condolences to the family!

  • Lis Freeman

    Dear Jane and Family
    So very sorry to read of your loss . Clive, or ‘Ginge’ as I called him was a good friend in the UK Portsmouth and early London years. He was my lab mate in Biochemistry practicals and thus helped me get an ‘A’ for my reports. He was a keen Mountaineer and caver and enjoyed walking – the latter, my hobby. Present at your wedding all those decades ago and in touch for many years even getting to visit you in Canada when your kids were little, we rather lost touch in more recent times. As others have said, he was a great enthusiast with a positive approach to life. He loved his recumbent bike! I shall remember him with great affection. Lis

  • Paul McCarthy

    To the family and friends of Clive:
    Just last year I was reminded of him when I randomly heard the name Clive and tonight, I happen to stumble upon the primaries from the state of Iowa one of the cities voting was “Clive, Iowa” this once again triggered many fond memories of Clive Your father, husband, and grandfather. So I had to try and find him searching through LinkedIn, and then just googling his name, with the name of his most recent company, sadly to find his obituary.

    I had the pleasure of meeting Clive in 1989 when I became a member of Connaught Novo Nordisk sales team and trained extensively with him for two weeks in Toronto. His kind, caring and gregarious personality was infectious and all eight of us who were in training became quite fond of him. I learned a lot from Clive, as did we all. He was one of the most intelligent people I have ever met and he loved to teach and disseminate his knowledge to others and he was exceptional at it.

    Early on in the two week course, all eight of us training felt like we were a part of his family. He just had a great way of making you feel at home, and he truly cared about you.

    Following the course and just before the national sales meeting I took it upon myself to have T-shirts printed with his caricature on them saying, as I hope you may have seen and remember:
    “We survived Clive

    April 89”

    I was the one that got up and presented the T-shirt to him at our national awards banquet and all eight of us that were on the course stood 4 on either side of him sporting the same T-shirt as he grinned from ear to ear in heartfelt appreciation. I will never forget how much of a kick he got out of that. It still is today one of my fondest memories of my 16 years in the pharmaceutical industry.

    I unfortunately, didn’t stay with the company much more than two years as I was offered a substantial job with Glaxo and moved on. And as we spread our wings and accept positions elsewhere, we must leave some friends behind. I don’t think I have spoken to him since March 1992, but I wanted you all to know that I’ve never forgotten him and his great sense of humor, and his vast intelligence including his mastery of the English language. He was one of a kind and I am sure he will live on in all of you with the many memories you have.

    I would love to hear from you if you so, choose and have the time.
    My deepest condolences for the loss of a life well lived!
    Kindest regards.
    Paul McCarthy
    Fredericton New Brunswick

  • Pat McConnachie

    Jane and Family
    Our sincere condolences.
    Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

    Pat McConnachie and Deb White.

  • Behruz Eslami

    My sincere condolences to Jane and family. I had the pleasure to meet Clive and work with him as a colleague at Vifor Pharma. He was deeply curious and intellectual and a fountain of deep information about nearly everything and which he shared openly and generously. I will miss his smile, his wit and his gentle and caring ways. Rest in peace my friend and God bless.

  • Vik Peck

    I had the true pleasure of working with Clive during his time at Aspreva and Vifor. He was always so kind and generous — a truly sweet soul. My heartfelt condolences for his family – the world is less without him.

  • Karen Long

    Some people truly do sparkle! I had the pleasure of working with Clive from 2001 to 2003. He had a way of teaching with a smile and a story.
    He will be missed.

  • Dave & Sue Bantroch

    Our deepest condolences to Jane and family. Clive brightened every workday with his smiles and positive outlook, and of course his many puns! We will always remember time spent at lunches and walks around the building, and conversations of many, many topics – tomatoes, cycling experiences, adventures growing up, just to name a few. Our fondest regards! Dave & Sue Bantroch

  • Rita Tengler

    I had the chance to get to know Clive in 2008 during our fist business meeting at Vifor Pharma. From the first moment it was clear that Clive was unique. I appreciated his special spirit and sensitivity. Besides the hard work, we could enjoy some great team-events in Switzerland and later on, we still kept in touch.
    I never met his family, but I know that you meant a lot to him.
    What a loss – how sad.
    My sincere condolences

  • eddie chong

    I have very fond memories of Clive. Such a gentleman and wonderful colleague – always welcoming, cheerful and dependable. Many a dreary meeting has been lighten by his quick wit and pun.

    We frequently exchanged news about families and I know he was very proud about his family.

    My deepest condolences to Jane and the family.

  • Liz Lee

    I first met Clive in 2001. He was working at a pharma company in Burnaby and commuting each day from the Island. This required very early starts, cycling to the ferry and then picking up a car on the other side. And he did this for years! I had the pleasure of working with Clive until 2020, and was fortunate enough to stay in contact with him once he’d retired. I’ve lost count of all the eye rolls he caused us and the many adventures we had as we travelled together. He was a very special person and will be greatly missed. My sincere condolences go to the entire family and our thoughts are with you at this very difficult time.

  • Horst and Rita Schauch

    Dear Jane,
    Our sincere condolences to the sudden loss of your husband.
    We will miss his friendly smiles in our neighbourhood.
    Horst and Rita Schauch

  • Ned Saric

    I had the pleasure of working with Clive since 2006. I’ll always remember him for his wonderful/terrible puns.
    My sincere condolences to your family.

  • Janice Williams

    Condolences to Jane and the family. Clive was a wonderful colleague to work with, always willing to help, to mentor and to share a pun. His positive attitude and gentle demeanorase him very special. He will be missed

  • Charles R. Card

    More than twenty years ago, Clive helped more than a dozen stressed and beleaguered Greater Victoria families to secure much-needed respite care for their special-needs children. His efforts led to the founding of Children’s Respite Support Society and MiMi’s House in Saanich, and he remained a Director of the Society up to his passing. His keen intelligence, gentle humor, wit and wisdom, along with his ready willingness to fight the good fight for a just cause are irreplaceable and will be sorely missed by the CRSS Directors and the MiMi’s House families.

    Charles R. Card
    Secretary, Children’s Respite Support Society

  • Susan Ozembloski

    My sincere condolences to Jane and the family at this very sad time. Cherish the many precious memories you have made with this wonderful husband, father and grandfather.

    Clive was always present at the major events in Taylin’s life. He cheered at every sporting event and took some amazing photos of the action on the field!!

    He will be missed by all who had the pleasure of meeting him. Sending warm hugs and much love.

    Susan Ozembloski

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